For belivers in Jesus to be empowered by the fire of the Holy Spirit in their lives to do great things for his glory.

Biblical Plague?


Corona is the Latin for crown in relation to this new strain of virus, that falsely has been associated with China!

This appears like a flu, but it is actually a lung infection that will kill those with a weak body and as yet there is no cure or vaccine that has been successful in fighting it?

Could this be another plague sent by God to get the world to repent of their moral filth, the filth of same sex relationships which God does not accept! The filth of indifference, of arrogance or racism and hatred, while claiming humanitarian concerns and cares to be seen as good by other humans?

God sees our hearts and He sees what we are really like, we cannot hide from Him and we all will have to give an account one day of our actions wither we believe or not!

John 3:3,   3:14-18,   Romans 3:21-31,   Hebrews 4:12-13,   Revelation 15:1.

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